Dominion’s sketchy past in Colorado

In 2009, that required the state to perform a thorough audit of its voting security and procedures. A corresponding law was passed that same year which a single vendor as their voting software vendor, with no exceptions.

In fact, many counties voiced resistance to the new law. In 2015, Wayne Williams, then Secretary of State, mandated that ALL counties use Dominion. Again, several counties voiced issues with this plan, mostly with the cost of the new machines. But with Dominion as the sole voting software vendor for Colorado.

Beginning in 2015, the machines were enraging many local counties who couldn’t afford the $9 million dollar price tag. Nevertheless, Dominion replaced all other voting machines in Colorado by 2017, except for Douglas and Garfield counties, which both maintained a Republican advantage, unlike most other Colorado counties, in the 2020 elections.

JeffCo Commissioner Szabo

Now, Donald Trump, his team, and Americans across the nation are questioning how Dominion came to dominate the electoral process in the US.

Dominion’s Denver office is nothing more than a tiny residential space. Today, reports on twitter allege that Dominion offices are empty, and executives’ social media accounts are erased.

Denver office building in which Dominion resides

Reports have surfaced that Erik Coomer of Colorado and former VP of Dominion, and sabotaged Trump’s re-election with malware. Joe Oltmann, founder of FEC United, recounts that Coomer promised to take care of the election and ensure a Biden win several months ago.

While Trump has less than a month to prove illegal activities on behalf of Dominion, conservatives and Trump’s legal team insist that there’s more than meets the eye with Dominion. If allegations regarding Coomer’s Antifa manifesto are correct, those allegations don’t necessarily point to fraud. Someone needs to have the software or be able to show how the software cheated without a shadow of a doubt, and they must be able to prove who exactly pulled the software trigger. Trump’s lawyer Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, and the rest of his team have an uphill battle in this election.

While the mechanisms of Dominion fraud are not clear just yet, one fact is certain. The means by which Dominion came to be the only voting software in Colorado and 29 other states are sketchy, and the fact that the VP is affiliated with Antifa is even more questionable.

Wayne Williams, the Secretary of State who pushed for Dominion in Colorado, is no longer Secretary of State; he now serves as a Colorado Springs City councilman. The tainted legacy of the Dominion voting machines will live on forever, though.

Today, Trump’s legal team again and that the software was rigged. Sidney Powell, Trump’s top election attorney, hinted that top officials took bribes in order for Dominion to be used on such a large scale.

Liberals doubt the validity of such claims; most of the Trump team’s re-election legal battles thus far haven’t amounted to much. This allegation, however, that software was rigged for Biden to receive millions of extra votes, would change the outcome of the election. And in fact, Trump’s team claims that it will.

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