Biden’s higher insulin prices devastate millions of low income Americans, especially minorities

Joe Biden was directed by his handlers to halt all orders that the Trump administration signed in recent months in order to “further review” those orders. On Thursday, Biden halted an HHS rule that would have lowered the price of insulin and EpiPens (epinephrine) for millions of low income Americans. The move will devastate minority diabetics, who are already at a massive disadvantage in the healthcare system.

Without insurance, the cost of monthly insulin can top one-thousand dollars. signed off on the rule in December that community health centers could only charge the acquisition price of insulin plus a nominal fee, and the rule was set to take effect January 22nd. Biden has delayed the rule until March 22nd, possibly longer or indefinitely.

Joe Biden has proposed to dictate pharmaceutical prices. Donald Trump signed an executive order that would allow Medicare parts B and D to pay no more for any prescription drug than any other developed nation pays. Since most payors, including the largest ones such as Aetna and Blue Cross, as well as Medicaid, model their payment scales to follow Medicare guidelines, the order could have lowered drug prices for billions of Americans.

Instead, Biden is playing politics with Americans’ lives, and bipartisan frustration and disgust at his actions fueled Twitter on Friday. However, the move hasn’t been reported by most mainstream media over two days after it occurred, save for .

Black people suffer from diabetes at alarmingly higher rates than any other race, with reporting thirty-percent of all diabetics as black, 26.7 percent Hispanic, and eighteen-percent white. And according to a January 2021 study by The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, black and Hispanic diabetics die or become seriously ill from much more often than their white counterparts. Black diabetics are to undergo limb amputations than white people, due to lack of medical treatment or compliance due to lack of resources.

In his first three days, Biden has managed to anger gas and oil workers across the nation, the National Guard, most people who support the military, and low income, minority diabetics.

There is no word yet on whether or not BLM will be staging any protests for the millions of minority diabetics who will be negatively impacted, if not sickened or killed, by Biden’s politics.

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Luigi Parsoni

Well the people voted for this, or maybe they didn’t, we will never know. I sure do feel bad for a laid off Keystone pipeline employee that may have had a diabetic family member they were supporting. They got a double kick to the groin by Sleepy Joe!


Such BS coming from the mainstream media on this subject. Ask the people who were paying $60 for insulin that are now back to paying $450 for the same amount. And the liberal media – which supposedly cares so much about people’s healthcare costs – deny this has even happened. They LIE.


Such BS coming from the mainstream media on this subject. Ask the people who were paying $60 for insulin that are now back to paying $450 for the same amount. And the liberal media – which supposedly cares so much about people’s healthcare costs – deny this has even happened. They LIE.

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