States erase beds to make hospitals look full, scare Americans into compliance

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We reported last week that the state of Michigan erased six-thousand hospital beds from its census in order to create a Coronavirus crisis. Within forty-eight hours of Michigan’s sham, the state claimed it had a bed shortage due to Coronavirus. Neither the Michigan Hospital Association nor the Michigan Health Department had any ideas about where those hospital beds went.

This week, the mainstream media shifts their focus to California, where they are intensely peddling a “surge” in Southern California. At least ten mainstream media articles, released yesterday, claimed that SoCo was down to zero percent of ICU beds remaining.

100% fear-mongering. Keep reading…

In other words, both the state of California and the media told the entire country, as Michigan did, that soon, Grandma would be left to die on the hospital street corner without a bed. NBC Los Angeles recklessly reported the ICU crisis, cleverly sandwiching the fine print deep within their article, way past the point where most readers stop reading.

Bed games

SoCo is playing bed games just like Michigan, however. The state’s policy, not easily found or understood, states that as COVID-19 cases “surge,” the state will lessen the number of ICU beds in hospital censuses. There’s no real explanation of why that policy exists, and not one major media source has .

The threat of death didn’t work; Americans quickly realized in the Spring that COVID deaths were grossly exaggerated in processes insulting to medicine and politics. “Surging cases” didn’t work; Americans quickly realized that the virus is no different than any other. The latest attempt at whatever is actually happening is the threat of a healthcare overload.

Don’t forget…the state of alone has eight empty accessory hospitals, not one ever saw a patient. The largest extra hospital, the convention center in downtown Denver, has now cost taxpayers $2 million dollars.

The USNS Comfort, which was a great treated 182 patients and then embarrassingly left New York City after costing Americans an unsightly amount of money for its brief sight seeing tour.

If COVID-19 is claiming so many hospital beds, Americans should wonder why states and mainstream media must play bed games in order to contrive a crisis.

The Colorado Herald